
Sensoji is a very popular Buddhist temple located in Asakusa. It is also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple. “Senso” is a different reading for Asakusa and “ji” means temple. This temple was built in the 7th century, which is the oldest temple in Tokyo. According to legend, there were two fishermen found a statue of Kannon, also known as Guan Yin or the Goddess of Mercy in the Sumida River. Hence, Sensoji was built for the goddess of Kannon.

Before getting to the temple’s main hall, you have to pass through two gates. First gate is called Kaminarimon or “Thunder Gate”. You will see a huge red lantern hang under the gate.

Beyond the Kaminarimon, there is a shopping street called Nakamise-dori. It extends about 250 meters to the second gate, Hozomon or “Treasure House Gate”. You will be excited to walk along the street as you will find various typical Japanese souvenirs such as folding fans, woodblock prints, kimono and local snacks such as handmade rice crackers, traditional sweets and wasabi flavored ice-cream. 

Beyond the Hozomon Gate, stand a stately five-story pagoda and the main hall, devoted to Kannon Bosatsu. 
In front of the main hall, you will see a large incense burner. You will see many people at that area waving the smoke from incense over them for purification. According to Japanese custom, before entering a temple or shrine, you need purify or clean your hands and mouth. Read more on Japan Custom.

There is also a belief that the incense has healing power. You will notice people waving the smoke to their body sore part.

Next to the Sensoji temple is Asakusa Shrine, also called as Asakusa Jinja. It is dedicated to the three men who established Sensoji temple. Two of them are the fishermen named Hinokuma Hamanari and Hinokuma Takenari who found the statue of Kannon. The third one is the chief of village named Haji no Nakatomo who built the Sensoji temple.

It is easy getting to Sensoji temple. It is just a few minutes’ walk from Asakusa Station on Ginza Subway Line.