Japan Bullet Trains (Shinkansen)

If you travel around Japan, it is recommended that you travel with trains. It is very convenient as most of the cities such as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto are connected by a network of high speed train lines. The high speed train network consists of

1. Tokaido Shinkansen
2. Sanyo Shinkansen
3. Tohoku Shinkansen
4. Joestu Shinkansen
5. Nagano Shinkansen
6. Kyushu Shinkansen
7. Yamagata Shinkansen
8. Akita Shinkansen

Japan high speed trains (bullet trains) which are called as Shinkansen (新幹線), are operated by Japan Railways (JR). They will bring you to your destination very fast with the speed up to 320km/h. You can enjoy the view outside the window by sitting on the comfortable and spacious seat.

If you plan to travel between cities as well as within the cities, you are recommended to get a Japan Rail Pass. Let see how you could save cost using the pass. For example, if you would like to visit Tokyo and Osaka.

From Narita Airport to Tokyo
Cost: 18060 yen + 3220 yen (Surcharge) = 21280 yen

From Tokyo to Osaka
Cost: 13750 yen Total cost: 21280 yen + 13750 yen = 35030 yen

35030 yen is not including the cost for you to travel to hotel and popular spots. Could you imagine how much would you spend for transportation? If you get Ordinary 7 days pass, it only cost you 28300 yen. You would save 50% of your transportation cost and get unlimited travel.

If you decided to get the Japan Rail Pass, you must buy before your arrival to Japan. The pass is not available for sale inside Japan.

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